Hunger in my studio.

I am sorry if you have seen this repeatedly on this page. But I feel compelled to continue posting these images as it keeps happening, continues to happen. I can’t paint them anymore but I can carve them in stone. And I hope to eventually make a bronze casting to use as a pedestal for a beautiful oval crystal dining table with silver Hungry cutlery and china plates with a Hungry pattern, and serve bread and water.

‘Hunger II’, 36″ X 60″, oil on canvas, 1993.

‘Hungry’, 1.25″ X 2.25″ X .3″, soapstone, 2011.

‘Hungry’, 1.25″ X 2.2″ X 0.3″, soapstone, 2012.

2 Responses to “Hunger in my studio.”

  1. I love this, and it’s never a problem showing it over again when it says so much thru visual and interpretation.

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